Step 1: Complete A Background Check!
Because we work directly with children, we are asking all volunteers to complete a background check. We are also asking for help to offset this cost by requesting the volunteer make a one-time “Commitment Donation” of $20 to Warm Current.
Step 2: Sign Up For A Surf Camp!
Once you have completed your background check you go on our list. We send emails in the late spring- usually mid April- to all background checked volunteers with information on how and when camp signups will be available-usually May. If you fill out your background check after those dates you will still receive an email. Please review our camp schedule and sign up to volunteer!
Step 3: Get Surfing!
Once you’ve signed up for a camp, please keep a look-out for an email from the Camp Leader, describing what the weekend will look like, some rules to follow, and other information that will help you have one of the best weekends of your life!